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Tower of Babel : The Evidence Against the New Creation

The Teachings of Don Juan : A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

True Spirituality

High Priest

The God Who Is There

Zoroaster: Life and Work of the Forerunner in Persia

Cloud-Hidden, Whereabouts Unknown; A Mountain Journal

Learning to Love : Exploring Solitude and Freedom (Journals of Thomas Merton, Vol 6)

The Other Side of the Mountain : The End of the Journey (Journals of Thomas Merton, Vol 7 1967-1968)

The Varieties of Religious Experience : A Study in Human Nature

The Spiritual Art of Dialogue : Mastering Communication for Personal Growth, Relationships, and the Workplace

Three Philosophies of Life : Ecclesiastes, Life As Vanity Job, Life As Suffering Song of Songs, Life As Love

The Rules or Secrets of the Naqshbandi Order

Messiahs : The Visions and Prophecies for the Second Coming

Byzantine Theology : Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes

Psychology and Religion (Terry Lectures, 1937)

The Analytic Theist : An Alvin Plantinga Reader

Philosophers Who Believe : The Spiritual Journeys of 11 Leading Thinkers

The Fragile Absolute: Or, Why the Christian Legacy is Worth Fighting For

Parousia : Bib the New Testament Doctrine of Our Lord's Second Coming Bible

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