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Domination and the Arts of Resistance : Hidden Transcripts

Discovering the Laws of Life

Think a Second Time

Exploring Forgiveness

The Nicomachean Ethics (Oxford World's Classics)

Liberalism and the Limits of Justice

What We Owe to Each Other

Ethical Know-How : Action, Wisdom, and Cognition (Writing Science)

Principia Ethica (Great Books in Philosophy)

Ethical Vegetarianism : From Pythagoras to Peter Singer

The Case for Animal Rights

The Prince

Gravity and Grace

The Invention of Autonomy : A History of Modern Moral Philosophy

The Age of Consent : The Rise of Relativism and the Corruption of Popular Culture

Pirke Avot : A Modern Commentary on Jewish Ethics

Four Cardinal Virtues

Basic Writings of Nietzsche (Modern Library Series) [LARGE PRINT]

The Ending of Time

Irrational Man : A Study in Existential Philosophy

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